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Credit Card Rewards Programs: Choosing the Right Benefits

Published Feb 14, 24
17 min read

Financial literacy is a set of skills and knowledge that are necessary to make good decisions when it comes to one's money. Learning the rules to a complicated game is similar. In the same way that athletes must learn the fundamentals of a sport in order to excel, individuals need to understand essential financial concepts so they can manage their wealth effectively and build a stable financial future.


In today's complex financial landscape, individuals are increasingly responsible for their own financial well-being. From managing student loans to planning for retirement, financial decisions can have long-lasting impacts. The FINRA Investor Educational Foundation conducted a study that found a correlation between financial literacy, and positive financial behavior such as emergency savings and retirement planning.

However, it's important to note that financial literacy alone doesn't guarantee financial success. Critics say that focusing solely upon individual financial education neglects systemic concerns that contribute towards financial inequality. Researchers have suggested that financial education is not effective in changing behaviors. They cite behavioral biases, the complexity of financial products and other factors as major challenges.

A second perspective is that behavioral economics insights should be added to financial literacy education. This approach recognizes that people don't always make rational financial decisions, even when they have the necessary knowledge. It has been proven that strategies based in behavioral economics can improve financial outcomes.

Takeaway: Although financial literacy is important in navigating your finances, it's only one piece of a much larger puzzle. Financial outcomes are influenced by a variety of factors including systemic influences, individual circumstances and behavioral tendencies.

Fundamentals of Finance

Basic Financial Concepts

Financial literacy starts with understanding the fundamentals of Finance. These include understanding:

  1. Income: The money received from work, investments or other sources.

  2. Expenses are the money spent on goods and service.

  3. Assets: Things you own that have value.

  4. Liabilities: Debts or financial commitments

  5. Net Worth: Your net worth is the difference between your assets minus liabilities.

  6. Cash Flow: The total amount of money being transferred into and out of a business, especially as affecting liquidity.

  7. Compound Interest (Compound Interest): Interest calculated based on the original principal plus the interest accumulated over previous periods.

Let's take a deeper look at these concepts.


There are many sources of income:

  • Earned income: Salaries, wages, bonuses

  • Investment income: Dividends, interest, capital gains

  • Passive income: Rental income, royalties, online businesses

Understanding the various income sources is essential for budgeting and planning taxes. In many taxation systems, earned revenue is usually taxed at an increased rate than capital gains over the long term.

Liabilities vs. Liabilities

Assets are items that you own and have value, or produce income. Examples include:

  • Real estate

  • Stocks or bonds?

  • Savings Accounts

  • Businesses

The opposite of assets are liabilities. This includes:

  • Mortgages

  • Car loans

  • Card debt

  • Student loans

Assets and liabilities are a crucial factor when assessing your financial health. Some financial theory suggests focusing on assets that provide income or value appreciation, while minimising liabilities. However, it's important to note that not all debt is necessarily bad - for instance, a mortgage could be considered an investment in an asset (real estate) that may appreciate over time.

Compound Interest

Compound interest is earning interest on interest. This leads to exponential growth with time. This concept works both for and against individuals - it can help investments grow, but also cause debts to increase rapidly if not managed properly.

Take, for instance, a $1,000 investment with 7% return per annum:

  • It would be worth $1,967 after 10 years.

  • In 20 years it would have grown to $3,870

  • It would be worth $7,612 in 30 years.

The long-term effect of compounding interest is shown here. However, it's crucial to remember that these are hypothetical examples and actual investment returns can vary significantly and may include periods of loss.

Knowing these basic concepts can help individuals create a better picture of their financial status, just as knowing the score helps you plan your next move.

Financial Planning & Goal Setting

Setting financial goals and developing strategies to achieve them are part of financial planning. This is similar to the training program of an athlete, which details all the steps necessary to achieve peak performance.

The following are elements of financial planning:

  1. Setting SMART goals for your finances

  2. Create a comprehensive Budget

  3. Developing savings and investment strategies

  4. Regularly reviewing, modifying and updating the plan

Setting SMART Financial Goals

In finance and other fields, SMART acronym is used to guide goal-setting.

  • Specific goals make it easier to achieve. "Save money", for example, is vague while "Save 10,000" is specific.

  • Measurable. You need to be able measure your progress. In this case, you can measure how much you've saved towards your $10,000 goal.

  • Realistic: Your goals should be achievable.

  • Relevant: Goals should align with your broader life objectives and values.

  • Set a deadline to help you stay motivated and focused. For example, "Save $10,000 within 2 years."

Budgeting for the Year

Budgets are financial plans that help track incomes, expenses and other important information. This overview will give you an idea of the process.

  1. Track all your income sources

  2. List all your expenses and classify them into fixed (e.g. rental) or variable (e.g. entertainment)

  3. Compare income to expenditure

  4. Analyze your results and make any necessary adjustments

One of the most popular budgeting guidelines is the 50/30/20 Rule, which recommends allocating:

  • 50% of income for needs (housing, food, utilities)

  • Spend 30% on Entertainment, Dining Out

  • 20% for savings and debt repayment

It's important to remember that individual circumstances can vary greatly. Such rules may not be feasible for some people, particularly those on low incomes with high living expenses.

Savings and Investment Concepts

Saving and investing are two key elements of most financial plans. Here are a few related concepts.

  1. Emergency Fund (Emergency Savings): A fund to be used for unplanned expenses, such as unexpected medical bills or income disruptions.

  2. Retirement Savings - Long-term saving for the post-work years, which often involves specific account types and tax implications.

  3. Short-term saving: For goals between 1-5years away, these are usually in easily accessible accounts.

  4. Long-term investments: For goals that are more than five years away. Often involves a portfolio of diversified investments.

It is worth noting the differences in opinion on what constitutes a good investment strategy and how much you should be saving for an emergency or retirement. Individual circumstances, financial goals, and risk tolerance will determine these decisions.

It is possible to think of financial planning in terms of a road map. The process involves understanding where you are starting from (your current financial situation), your destination (financial goal), and possible routes (financial plans) to reach there.

Risk Management and Diversification

Understanding Financial Risks

Risk management in finance involves identifying potential threats to one's financial health and implementing strategies to mitigate these risks. This concept is similar to how athletes train to avoid injuries and ensure peak performance.

Financial risk management includes:

  1. Potential risks can be identified

  2. Assessing risk tolerance

  3. Implementing risk mitigation strategies

  4. Diversifying investment

Identification of Potential Risks

Financial risk can come in many forms:

  • Market risk: Loss of money that may be caused by factors affecting the performance of financial markets.

  • Credit risk: Risk of loss due to a borrower not repaying a loan and/or failing contractual obligations.

  • Inflation risk: The risk that the purchasing power of money will decrease over time due to inflation.

  • Liquidity: The risk you may not be able sell an investment quickly and at a reasonable price.

  • Personal risk: A person's own specific risks, for example, a job loss or a health issue.

Assessing Risk Tolerance

Risk tolerance refers to an individual's ability and willingness to endure fluctuations in the value of their investments. It is affected by factors such as:

  • Age: Younger individuals have a longer time to recover after potential losses.

  • Financial goals: A conservative approach is usually required for short-term goals.

  • Income stability: A stable income might allow for more risk-taking in investments.

  • Personal comfort. Some people tend to be risk-averse.

Risk Mitigation Strategies

Common risk mitigation techniques include:

  1. Insurance: A way to protect yourself from major financial losses. Included in this is health insurance, life, property, and disability insurance.

  2. Emergency Fund: This fund provides a financial cushion to cover unexpected expenses and income losses.

  3. Manage your debt: This will reduce your financial vulnerability.

  4. Continuous Learning: Staying in touch with financial information can help you make more informed choices.

Diversification: A Key Risk Management Strategy

Diversification can be described as a strategy for managing risk. Spreading investments across different asset classes, industries and geographical regions can reduce the impact of a poor investment.

Consider diversification in the same way as a soccer defense strategy. Diversification is a strategy that a soccer team employs to defend the goal. A diversified investment portfolio also uses multiple types of investments in order to potentially protect from financial losses.

Diversification types

  1. Asset Class diversification: Diversifying investments between stocks, bonds, real-estate, and other asset categories.

  2. Sector diversification is investing in various sectors of the economy.

  3. Geographic Diversification: Investing in different countries or regions.

  4. Time Diversification: Investing regularly over time rather than all at once (dollar-cost averaging).

Diversification is widely accepted in finance but it does not guarantee against losses. All investments involve some level of risks, and multiple asset classes may decline at the same moment, as we saw during major economic crisis.

Some critics claim that diversification, particularly for individual investors is difficult due to an increasingly interconnected world economy. They argue that in times of market stress the correlations among different assets may increase, reducing benefits of diversification.

Despite these criticisms, diversification remains a fundamental principle in portfolio theory and is widely regarded as an important component of risk management in investing.

Investment Strategies and Asset Allocution

Investment strategies are designed to help guide the allocation of assets across different financial instruments. These strategies can be likened to an athlete’s training regimen which is carefully planned to maximize performance.

The following are the key aspects of an investment strategy:

  1. Asset allocation: Investing in different asset categories

  2. Portfolio diversification: Spreading assets across asset categories

  3. Rebalancing and regular monitoring: Adjusting your portfolio over time

Asset Allocation

Asset allocation is the act of allocating your investment amongst different asset types. The three main asset classes are:

  1. Stocks: These represent ownership in an organization. Investments that are higher risk but higher return.

  2. Bonds (Fixed Income): Represent loans to governments or corporations. In general, lower returns are offered with lower risk.

  3. Cash and Cash equivalents: Includes savings accounts, money markets funds, and short term government bonds. Generally offer the lowest returns but the highest security.

The following factors can affect the decision to allocate assets:

  • Risk tolerance

  • Investment timeline

  • Financial goals

It's worth noting that there's no one-size-fits-all approach to asset allocation. It's important to note that while there are generalizations (such subtraction of your age from 110 or 100 in order determine the percentage your portfolio should be made up of stocks), it may not be suitable for everyone.

Portfolio Diversification

Diversification within each asset class is possible.

  • For stocks: This can include investing in companies that are different sizes (smallcap, midcap, largecap), sectors, or geographic regions.

  • Bonds: You can vary the issuers, credit quality and maturity.

  • Alternative investments: For additional diversification, some investors add real estate, commodities, and other alternative investments.

Investment Vehicles

There are several ways to invest these asset classes.

  1. Individual Stocks or Bonds: They offer direct ownership with less research but more management.

  2. Mutual Funds: Professionally managed portfolios of stocks, bonds, or other securities.

  3. Exchange-Traded Funds is similar to mutual funds and traded like stock.

  4. Index Funds - Mutual funds and ETFs which track specific market indices.

  5. Real Estate Investment Trusts, or REITs, allow investors to invest in property without owning it directly.

Active vs. Investing passively

There is a debate going on in the investing world about whether to invest actively or passively:

  • Active investing: Investing that involves trying to beat the market by selecting individual stocks or timing market movements. Typically, it requires more knowledge, time and fees.

  • Passive investing: This involves buying and holding a portfolio of diversified stocks, usually through index funds. This is based on the belief that it's hard to consistently outperform a market.

This debate is still ongoing with supporters on both sides. The debate is ongoing, with both sides having their supporters.

Regular Monitoring and Rebalancing

Over time certain investments can perform better. A portfolio will drift away from its intended allocation if these investments continue to do well. Rebalancing involves periodically adjusting the portfolio to maintain the desired asset allocation.

Rebalancing can be done by selling stocks and purchasing bonds.

Rebalancing is not always done annually. Some people rebalance only when allocations are above a certain level.

Think of asset management as a balanced meal for an athlete. As athletes require a combination of carbohydrates, proteins and fats to perform optimally, an investment portfolio includes a variety of assets that work together towards financial goals, while managing risk.

Remember: All investments involve risk, including the potential loss of principal. Past performance does NOT guarantee future results.

Long-term Retirement Planning

Long-term planning includes strategies that ensure financial stability throughout your life. Retirement planning and estate plans are similar to the long-term career strategies of athletes, who aim to be financially stable after their sporting career is over.

Key components of long term planning include:

  1. Understanding retirement accounts: Setting goals and estimating future expenses.

  2. Estate planning: Preparing for the transfer of assets after death, including wills, trusts, and tax considerations

  3. Planning for future healthcare: Consideration of future healthcare needs as well as potential long-term care costs

Retirement Planning

Retirement planning includes estimating the amount of money you will need in retirement, and learning about different ways to save. Here are a few key points:

  1. Estimating Retirement needs: According some financial theories retirees need to have 70-80% or their income before retirement for them to maintain the same standard of living. The generalization is not accurate and needs vary widely.

  2. Retirement Accounts

    • 401(k) plans: Employer-sponsored retirement accounts. They often include matching contributions by the employer.

    • Individual Retirement (IRA) Accounts can be Traditional or Roth. Traditional IRAs allow for taxed withdrawals, but may also offer tax-deductible contributions. Roth IRAs are after-tax accounts that permit tax-free contributions.

    • SEP IRAs and Solo 401(k)s: Retirement account options for self-employed individuals.

  3. Social Security is a government program that provides retirement benefits. It is important to know how the system works and factors that may affect the benefit amount.

  4. The 4% Rule: A guideline suggesting that retirees could withdraw 4% of their portfolio in the first year of retirement, then adjust that amount for inflation each year, with a high probability of not outliving their money. [...previous information remains unchanged ...]

  5. The 4% Rules: This guideline suggests that retirees withdraw 4% their portfolios in the first years of retirement. Adjusting that amount annually for inflation will ensure that they do not outlive their money. The 4% rule has caused some debate, with financial experts claiming it is either too conservative or excessively aggressive depending on the individual's circumstances and the market.

The topic of retirement planning is complex and involves many variables. Inflation, healthcare costs and market performance can all have a significant impact on retirement outcomes.

Estate Planning

Estate planning involves preparing for the transfer of assets after death. The key components are:

  1. Will: Legal document stating how an individual wishes to have their assets distributed following death.

  2. Trusts: Legal entities that can hold assets. There are different types of trusts. Each has a purpose and potential benefit.

  3. Power of Attorney: Appoints a person to make financial decisions in an individual's behalf if that individual is unable.

  4. Healthcare Directive: A healthcare directive specifies a person's wishes in case they are incapacitated.

Estate planning is a complex process that involves tax laws and family dynamics as well personal wishes. The laws regarding estates are different in every country.

Healthcare Planning

Planning for future healthcare is an important part of financial planning, as healthcare costs continue to increase in many countries.

  1. Health Savings Accounts, or HSAs, are available in certain countries. These accounts provide tax advantages on healthcare expenses. The eligibility and rules may vary.

  2. Long-term Care Insurance: Policies designed to cover the costs of extended care in a nursing home or at home. These policies are available at a wide range of prices.

  3. Medicare: Medicare, the government's health insurance program in the United States, is designed primarily to serve people over 65. Understanding Medicare's coverage and limitations can be an important part of retirement plans for many Americans.

As healthcare systems and costs differ significantly across the globe, healthcare planning can be very different depending on your location and circumstances.

You can also read our conclusion.

Financial literacy is an extensive and complex subject that encompasses a range of topics, from simple budgeting to sophisticated investment strategies. The following are key areas to financial literacy, as we've discussed in this post:

  1. Understanding basic financial concepts

  2. Developing financial planning skills and goal setting

  3. Diversification can be used to mitigate financial risk.

  4. Understanding asset allocation and various investment strategies

  5. Estate planning and retirement planning are important for planning long-term financial requirements.

These concepts are a good foundation for financial literacy. However, the world of finance is always changing. Changes in financial regulations, new financial products and the global economy all have an impact on personal financial management.

Defensive financial knowledge alone does not guarantee success. As mentioned earlier, systemic variables, individual circumstances, or behavioral tendencies can all have a major impact on financial outcomes. Critics of financial literacy education point out that it often fails to address systemic inequalities and may place too much responsibility on individuals for their financial outcomes.

Another viewpoint emphasizes the importance to combine financial education with insights gained from behavioral economics. This approach recognizes people don't make rational financial choices, even if they have all the information. Strategies that take human behavior into consideration and consider decision-making processes could be more effective at improving financial outcomes.

The fact that personal finance rarely follows a "one-size-fits all" approach is also important. What's right for one individual may not be the best for another because of differences in income, life circumstances, risk tolerance, or goals.

The complexity of personal finances and the constant changes in this field make it essential that you continue to learn. This may include:

  • Staying up to date with economic news is important.

  • Reviewing and updating financial plans regularly

  • Find reputable financial sources

  • Consider seeking professional financial advice when you are in a complex financial situation

Remember, while financial literacy is an important tool, it's just one piece of the puzzle in managing personal finances. Financial literacy requires critical thinking, adaptability, as well as a willingness and ability to constantly learn and adjust strategies.

Financial literacy means different things to different people - from achieving financial security to funding important life goals to being able to give back to one's community. It could mean different things for different people, from financial security to funding important goals in life to giving back to your community.

Financial literacy can help individuals navigate through the many complex financial decisions that they will face in their lifetime. It's important to take into account your own circumstances and seek professional advice when necessary, especially with major financial decisions.

The information provided in this article is for general informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended as financial advice, nor should it be construed or relied upon as such. The author and publishers of this content are not licensed financial advisors and do not provide personalized financial advice or recommendations. The concepts discussed may not be suitable for everyone, and the information provided does not take into account individual circumstances, financial situations, or needs. Before making any financial decisions, readers should conduct their own research and consult with a qualified financial advisor. The author and publishers shall not be liable for any errors, inaccuracies, omissions, or any actions taken in reliance on this information.